MyStory Homepage

Welcome to MyStory:

Here you will view the four main components (Career Field, Entertainment, Community, Family) that have influenced and helped form the person I am today.

The purpose of this MyStory is the breakdown what influences us through various aspects of our upbringing, exposure to media and our immediate surroundings. I hope that each section of this website shows the impact that entertainment can have on inspiring children, a career field can produce icons and mentors that will motive one to achieve his or her goals, how a community can change one's views on themselves and how one's family is one of the strongest influences in life.

Throughout the process of reflecting on how my MyStory has influenced me, I have invented new ideas toward how each of these factors can influence someone.

You will also see a few components (blog, multimedia story and short film) that I have created to showcase how we are influenced and how we learn.


- Steve Johnson